050 - Landlords Insurance Explained & Cloverdale Suburb Spotlight - The Perth Property Show
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A podcast by WA experts for WA listeners, hosted by Managing Director of Strategic Property Group, Perth Settlement Agent and Perth Mortgage Broker, @TrentFleskens.

050 – Landlords Insurance Explained & Cloverdale Suburb Spotlight

Emma Thorpe, head property manager at Mark Hay Realty, steps into the studio for the first time to discuss the value of landlord insurance. When do we need it? Who from? What does it cost?

Mr. Belmont himself, Devon Kelly, is back in the studio to chat about Cloverdale, the price points, and what this little suburb has to offer.

Emma Thorpe
Emma is Head Property Manager at Mark Hay Realty

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050 – Landlords Insurance Explained & Cloverdale Suburb Spotlight